Module “Products Cleaner” for PrestaShop 1.6 – 1.7

The module “Products Cleaner» is developed of our team for PrestaShop 1.6 – 1.7. The main task of it is to clear the store from products, quantity of which is equal to zero on the stock (for example, goods are sold).

What this module does for you:
– Keep your products stock always accurate and updated without any outdated already sold products;
– Manage flexibly the criteria of which products should be deleted (set the after sale period);
– Initiate the manual store cleaning or set the cron link to trig the regular store cleaning;
– Set the redirect links for pages of the already deleted products to keep your SEO efficient;
– All orders data will stay saved in the admin-panel, so you could feel safe in your marketing and management!

Opportunities of ProductsCleaner:
Regular products cleaning – the module is configured by the user for automatic regular (periodic) removal from the store of goods, the amount of which is zero on the stock during a certain period:

One-time products cleaning – the user can manually remove products from the site, the number of which is zero on the stock during a certain period:

The settings of Products Cleaner are very simple for the user:
– upload the module through the Backoffice (Modules > Add New Module) or using a FTP client

– hit Install it and enter the configuration (after sale period)
– in case you aim is to set an automatic regular store cleaning, you will need to set your cron properly: add an appropriate link, provided by the module, into the hosting panel settings. We can help you to tune this step on your request.
You can ask: is that mean we will get a blank page when the user opens it after cleaning? Of course, no) We thought this too and added the field “Redirect URL

The “Redirect URL” field allows to set the URL to which the redirect from the page of deleted product on the site will be triggered. The user must just enter the link in the Redirect URL input!
Important information about main two conditions of the product deleting:
– stock balance of the product (quantity) = 0;
– there were no product orders in the Orders section during the selected period.
All product data will be erased while deleting it (database meanings, images, combinations, attributes, characteristics, etc.) Orders history of the particular product will remain.
If one item from the product combinations (in the “combinations” section) is zero and the other combination items are available, this (zero) item will NOT be deleted. The module does NOT remove combinations, but goods!

You can get the details or buy this module on the official marketplace for all PrestaShop modules and templates:

We are ready to help you with all the necessary settings!

Buy “Products Cleaner”:

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