BuyByeoffice – Canadian PrestaShop marketplace is a Canadian marketplace with the ability to sell goods from customers themselves. This online store has been implemented using the ecommerce platform PrestaShop and Agile addons. Every seller on this marketplace has access to tools and functions that will help him get started quickly, start earning income from the sale of goods!

With the help of SoftSprint were done the next:

  • the selected theme from the customer wass installed and configured;
  • additional modules were installed and tested;
  • a system for creating sub-stores with their own user pages has been implemented;
  • a system of commissions for the sale of goods from customer sub-stores has been implemented;
  • a system of commissions has been implemented when placing customers’ goods in their sub-stores;
  • a separate main page has been created with advertising banners, and additional information that the customer can edit in the admin panel.

The following technologies were used:

  • PHP 7.3
  • PrestaShop
  • Agile multiple seller module
  • Agile multishop module
  • Agile commission module
  • Agile membership module
  • Assets (JS, CSS)


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