Prestashop online-store customization

If we talk about online sales, Prestashop is an engine that undoubtedly leads as the answer to the question “What platform will the online store work on?”. A simple CMS, which can be administered by a person with a little experience, is easily configured; templates and modules are quickly connected; at the sqme time it is quite powerful and multifunctional.

The site fell into the hands of our SoftSprint team as a ready-made resource. Our task was to customize it, to make the settings profitable for both: the seller and the buyers. More precisely, at this Prestashop project we worked on calculating discounts for product packages. This implementation allows yto set a discount for a certain number of products when adding them to the basket. The module “Oleafoquantityprices” was taken as a basis.

In general, the online store has a simple menu, which is the category of goods. What is the advantage of Prestashop?! The buyer can choose a category or subcategory of goods in which to set several search filters at once. Such a filtration system is very convenient, it allows to see exactly the list of products that the buyer is looking for. On this resource, the main buyers are the parents of young children, for whom clarity and certainty are leaders in the criteria for choosing an online store. Our developers have customized Prestashop store as much as possible according to the customer requirements, taking into account that the desired product on the site could be purchased at a bargain price!

When customizing, we used the following technologies:

– Smarty
– PHP 7.x
– CSS3
– Flexbox
– Bootstarp
– Ajax
– jQuery

Contact us, we will help you to customize your Prestashop online-store!


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