What is PrestaShop support provided by SoftSprint?

What is PrestaShop support provided by SoftSprint?
It’s stable top-quality maintenance of the small / middle or even huge PrestaShop stores of more than 100k products inside. Last ones are located on the dedicated servers with the latest Xeon processors with 18-cores, SSD up 2-3 Terabytes and 128Gb RAM memory…Sure, such projects have such extra services, like Memcached and Redis, which is a high performance distributed data storage. High speed of work is ensured by storing data in RAM, which are periodically saved to disk, etc.

Another approach of our PrestaShop support is regular GIT usage to keep actual versions control of the maintained PrestaShop stores. Mostly we use GitLab / Bitbucket private repositories to guarantee anytime project restoring and safe code. Sure, such PrestaShop support is mostly done under NDA-agreements, though some of our clients are public ones and are the top-popular companies in their branches. An example of such PrestaShop support is White Dental Group project, which was built by us from scratch: https://whitegroup.com.ua . Owners of the project are very ambitious businessmen in sphere of dentist services and equipment here in Ukraine. One of the most complicated part of such kind of PrestaShop support was to keep fast and stable response between PrestaShop store server, CRM-server and 1C-server (which is the accountancy service). Ping should be extremely fast and data packages have to be transferred without lose. Sure such PrestaShop support has required the development of stable and secure API-methods to connect all 3 systems in one unit, but the result is worthy of compliments!

PrestaShop support

What else we can indicate about our PrestaShop support?

Ping us if your store requires any PrestaShop support or development, customization!

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