PrestaShop Multi Vendor

History of the Prestashop multi vendor started few years ago, when has presented their Agile Multiple Seller module together with the family of the auxiliary addons, like Agile PrestaShop Multiple Shop Module, Sellers Commissions module and other ones. Later SoftSprint has taken over the baton and continued the development and adaptation of the Agile Prestashop multi vendor modules family to the latest Presta 1.7x (at the moment of this post publication).Being the bundle suggestion for the admin of Prestashop multi vendor store Agile addons have conquered the reputation of the perfect and fast transformers of the regular Presta to the multi-functional marketplace.

PrestaShop Multi VendorHere you can read more details and watch video about “Agile Multiple Seller 1.7” module:

So, which benefits Agile Multiple Seller modules have?

  • Prestashop will get an additional type of users – Prestashop multi vendors
  • Prestashop multi vendor being a seller will be allowed to add/edit/delete his own products
  • Sellers will be able to share common PrestaShop store and cart with the multiple orders of different customers
  • Prestashop multi vendor provides “virtual shops” functionality in the PrestaShop main shop, that allows each vendor to have their own virtual store
  • Each virtual store allows to set a dedicated virtual directory (URL) and upload their own logos
  • Each virtual store can be even of the different style – sellers are allowed to choose one of the themes, defined by the “Prestashop multi vendor” admin
  • Main PrestaShop admin can set the commission fees per vendors (sellers) and configure the appropriate settings

Last point is extremely important taking into account the main goal of Prestashop multi vendor is to earn money from sellers – it could be reached with the help of “Agile Seller Commission” module:

Which options “Agile Seller Commission” module has?

  • it enables PrestaShop admin to manage sellers commissions and payments via Paypal or outside of shop
  • modules allowing to set commission rates and transaction fees at seller level or store level by admin
  • admin can manage commissions (fees) rates even by product categories accordingly.

Thus, such Prestashop multi vendor addons, which we have developed, are the top-profitable tool for any PrestaShop admin!

PrestaShop Multi Vendor moduleHere you can get acquainted with the comparison of Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 vs regular Prestashop Multishop

Is it possible to determine the list of products that are available only for a particular store?
– Agile Multiple Seller (Prestashop multi vendor) – YES
– Prestashop Multishop – YES

Is it possible to determine categories that are available only for a specific store?
– Agile Multiple Seller (Prestashop multi vendor) – YES
– Prestashop Multishop – YES

Can the store customize its own delivery methods?
– Agile Multiple Seller (Prestashop multi vendor) – YES
– Prestashop Multishop – YES

Can the store customize its own payment methods?
– Agile Multiple Seller (Prestashop multi vendor) – YES
– Prestashop Multishop – YES

Can customer buy products from the several stores?
– Agile Multiple Seller (Prestashop multi vendor) – YES
– Prestashop Multishop – NO

Can customer set up their own store and sell goods?
– Agile Multiple Seller (Prestashop multi vendor) – YES
– Prestashop Multishop – NO

Is it possible to split orders from several stores?
– Agile Multiple Seller (Prestashop multi vendor) – YES
– Prestashop Multishop – NO

Pls, follow the link to see all our addons which available at the official store:

Contact us to get the PROMO-code for 10% of discount!

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