Custom popup Module

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PrestaShop 1.6.x – 1.7.x

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Custom popup.pdf

YouTube video

The module is designed to display a popup on the site page (for example, to promote some product or to increase sales of some items). Popup is as a teaser advertisement, which forces the user to click on it and follow the appropriate link, which boosts your sales! Besides popup is the superb way to inform the visitors about some activity, sales, promo-codes, etc. All of this allows to transform the site into interactive instrument!

Module fields settings:

  • PopUp image – here you can upload a custom image (popup) in .jpg, .png;
    PrestaShop custom popup module
  • Link – this field permits to set a URL the link to the page which should be loaded when clicking on the popup;PrestaShop custom popup addon
  • Open in the new tab – you can select “YES” if you want to open the link in the new window. You can select “NO” if you want to open the link in the same browser window;PrestaShop custom popup modules
  • Start delay (sec.) – this field allows to set the time interval before popup appears after loading the page (in seconds);custom popup addon PrestaShop
  • Repeat – you can select “YES” if you would like to set the ability to re-display the popup in a certain time interval after closing the popup with the help of “X” button in the top right corner of popup;PrestaShop popup addon
  • Repeat delay (sec.) – this field allows to set the time interval before the popup appears after the previous closing with the help of “X” button;PrestaShop popup module
  • Active – you can select “YES” and activate the popup;PrestaShop pop-up
  • Be sure to save the settings using the “Save” button!PrestaShop pop-up module


  • images for PopUp image can be uploaded in the following formats: .jpg, .png;
  • if no URL is specified in the Link field, no link will be opened when clicking on popup. Popup will be a static image;
  • if you do not select “YES” in the Active field, the popup will not be displayed;
  • if a user clicks on the popup and follows the link, the popup will not appear on that user’s site anymore;
  • REPEAT – here can be set the popup reappearance function on the page in case the user closes the popup with the help of “X” button. Popup will stop to appear if user clicked on the popup image and followed the appropriate link.

Video demonstration:

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