Social login via Facebook API – module for PrestaShop

35$ Buy it now!

Compatible with PrestaShop versions 1.7 through 8.x

Enable seamless login and authorization in PrestaShop through Facebook accounts. Users can also link their Facebook accounts with existing PrestaShop accounts.

Video Demo:

Download documentation
Social login via Facebook API.pdf

Advantages for Merchants

  • Simplify user registration on your site.
  • Boost conversion rates for site registrations.
  • Effectively promote your store on Facebook through easy authorization.
  • Expand your user base with a straightforward registration process.
  • Increase order conversions with swift account creation via Facebook.

Advantages for Customers

  • No need to input personal data and passwords.
  • Streamline order processing with no account creation delays.
  • No need to remember login credentials – Facebook authentication is secure and hassle-free.
  • User registration and authorization accomplished in just two clicks.

Key Features

  • Create a new store account effortlessly using Facebook authentication.
  • User-friendly profile editing anytime, including the addition of email and other details.
  • Connect Instagram authentication to any existing store account seamlessly.
  • Provide users with the option to unlink their Facebook account from the store.

Setting Up Facebook App by PrestaShop Store Admin

  1. Visit and log in to your Facebook account. Click on My Apps in the top-right corner.
    create instagram app - prestashop module
  2. Create a new app by selecting Create App.
    create instagram app prestashop
  3. Choose Consumer and click on Next.
    prestashop module - create instagram app
  4. Specify App Display Name for your app and provide the App Contact Email. Select a Business Manager Account if available. Click on Create App ID.
    create instagram app prestashop module
  5. Click on Set Up in the Facebook Login block.
  6. Click on WWW button:
  7. Insert the Site URL of your site, then press Save and Continue.
    Facebook prestashop
  8. Enable “Login with the JavaScript SDK” (toggle to Yes) in your Facebook Login settings. Insert your site domain into the “Allowed Domains for the JavaScript SDK” field. Save your settings.
    Facebook prestashop
  9. Specify the Privacy Policy URL for your website. Save the same URL in the field below Data Deletion Callback URL in the User Data Deletion section. Choose the appropriate Category for your website.
  10. Toggle the slider button in the App Mode option to make your app Live:
    Facebook prestashop

Module Configuration

  1. Copy both the App ID and App Secret and paste them into the corresponding fields on the module configuration page:
    Facebook prestashop settings
    Facebook prestashop settings


  1. Upload the module through the Backoffice (Modules > Add New Module) or via FTP-client.
  2. Click Install and proceed to enter the configuration:
    Facebook prestashop install

Setting the CSS styles for the button:

  1. Find the style file here:/modules/facebookauth/views/css/fbauthfront.cssFacebook prestashop styles
    Facebook prestashop styles

Module Workflow Scenarios:

1. When the user is not logged in and clicks on the “Log in with Facebook” button for the first time on the Login page or on the Registration page:

– After clicking the “Log in with Facebook” button, a Facebook page opens where the user needs to confirm consent to send their data. After confirmation, they will be redirected to their user account on your website.
Facebook prestashop sign
Facebook prestashop account
Facebook prestashop login
Facebook prestashop login
instagram module prestashop

– A new customer account is created, using the email, name, and surname from their Facebook account. The password is generated automatically (the user can change this data in their account):
Facebook prestashop form

2. When the user is not logged in but already has an account on your store and clicks on the “Log in with Facebook” button on the Login page or on the Registration page:

– After clicking the “Log in with Facebook” button, the user automatically logs in and is redirected to their user account on your website.
instagram module prestashop
Facebook prestashop account
Facebook prestashop login
instagram module prestashop

3. When deleting a customer account:

– If a customer’s account is deleted from the Prestashop store, all links to the customer’s Facebook account will be removed from the database.

4. When changing the module settings on the configuration page in the admin panel:

– All user accesses are preserved when changing “Facebook App ID” and “Facebook App Secret” to other values.
Facebook prestashop id

– If the “Facebook App ID” or “Facebook App Secret” is entered incorrectly or the Facebook application is not configured correctly, an error will be shown to the user when trying to authenticate via Facebook:
Facebook prestashop authorisation

35$ Buy it now!

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